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FES Girls College


From Principal’s Desk

Today India is a country of the youths. Such a situation comes to a country once in a while. Today this is the situation of India. It is a country of youths.

India has attracted the eyes of world due to this fact that most of its population is youth. Its population is on the growth. Many years ago same was the situation with Japan. It made the most of it and today it is an ideal of many countries. How can we make the most of this situation? We should try to think is this direction.

The country is going through bad times. Due to which the youth is under stress and depression. In India differences due to cast, creed, region and gender are in great amount. Due to which the people from other countries took advantage of it, and ruled India for years. Today the situation is no different. There are differences within people, who have a changed attitude. This is affecting the progress of India. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar says that until these differences of cast, creed and religion are not removed, we cannot move towards economic and social progress. Talking his views into account Indira Gandhi Arts and Commerce College students should try to remove these difference completely from society.
Student, just as we need food for life, we need food for through as well. Knowledge is a sharp sword which works two ways. It can be used to destruct evil or to protect oneself form the evil.

You all have come to gain as much knowledge as you can. But according to me along which knowledge, wisdom, morality, humanity and fraternity are also as important. If a human does not have hymanity along with knowledge then he would be a killer. Man should go one step ahead. He should not only love all humankind but all creation.

Knowledge, wisdom, pity, morality and friendship should adopted knowledge. All the students of Indira Gandhi Arts and Commerce College and build up their character accordingly. If he has to walk alone on this path he should not deter from it, but mole forward with courage and faith.
I am obliged to the students of 2018-19 for taking admission here and I forward my good wishes to them.

Dr. Naseem Ahmad

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